All Citizens of Kingdoms receive a boost of +10 Royal Points in the Weekly Royal Fishing Competition!
Each fish you catch brings POINTS to your Kingdom.
Fish for your Kingdom!
Click on a flag to join.
1 | Kingdom of PornFish Inc. Reign of Kelly Huntsman +10 Royal Competition points Weekly events at the Kingdom's buoy Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 675 L$ Points: 5,566,898 Cashed out: 10000 L$ Members: 25 | |
2 | Kingdom of The Leopard Prowl Reign of BrendaLee Fredriksson Low Tax, Monthly Gifts to all members, Regular Events and discounted rentals for VIPs Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 3230 L$ Points: 4,156,127 and 1,410,771 to rank up! Cashed out: 19000 L$ Members: 282 | |
3 | Kingdom of Unity Reign of KamaComplex Citizens of The Kingdom of Unity have the following benefits: Monthly gifts, farm land and discounted rentals, private events, and more! Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 2948 L$ Points: 3,847,780 and 308,347 to rank up! Cashed out: 23000 L$ Members: 165 | |
4 | Kingdom of ROYAL FISHDOM Reign of Brietje Munro - All money will be used to put in the buoy(s). - We will provide our members with free land if they need it. - A monthly pet powder will be provided. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 1098 L$ Points: 3,338,167 and 509,613 to rank up! Cashed out: 54000 L$ Members: 197 | |
5 | Kingdom of The Reel Reunion Reign of Lunara Celestia We are the Kingdom of REEL Fishers! REEL Fishers Benefits: ▶ Free land for our REEL Farmers to cultivate their worms. ▶ Potions and REEL fishing supplies marketplace. ▶ Weekly Royal Contest boost in Royal Points for each fish caught. ▶ Double the GOLD caught under GOLD Fishing events. More benefits await as our fishing armadas grows. Join now for exclusive access to our exciting REEL fishing events! We fish together for mutual growth, benefiting an expanding community of fishers and game economy. Welcome to The REEL Reunion, a formidable fishing force! We are taking part in building the Network state (1st Great Digital Republic) and we are open to connect and make alliances with other Digital Kingdoms. We're here for you.. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 1160 L$ Points: 2,705,322 and 632,845 to rank up! Cashed out: 8166 L$ Members: 166 | |
6 | Kingdom of Peasants Reign of Vittfarne Uggla Raffle with cash price, vendor with cheap potions, taxes pay out at kingdom bouy. Flag, gesture and +10RP! Language: EN, Danish Tax: 1% Treasury: 901 L$ Points: 1,071,887 and 1,633,435 to rank up! Cashed out: 11000 L$ Members: 64 | |
7 | Kingdom of Water Reign of Mariantonietta Silverfall Water benefits everyone. Water can take any shape and overcome any obstacles. Water is life. In this Kingdom just like water anyone can take any shape (King, Queen, subordinate, slave). And just flow. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 277 L$ Points: 1,062,225 and 9,662 to rank up! Cashed out: 3700 L$ Members: 22 | |
8 | Kingdom of DIC (Drama-Free Inhabitants Community) Reign of Eden Dismantled 10 RP, a Buoy.... No requirement to be social. No drama, no politics just tranquility. We fish and find bliss. Period. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 196 L$ Points: 677,464 and 384,761 to rank up! Cashed out: 8000 L$ Members: 7 | |
9 | Kingdom of NuttyBunch Reign of SummerDreams0 Resident All money earned will be used in Kingdom events and buoys... Not to mention 10RP points for your contest!! Oh! And even a fancy shmancy flag to put on your rod to show your nuttiness off as well as a gesture or 2 to show thanks to LO as while we are NUTS, we are respectable NUTS xD IM Summerdreams0 to get your kingdom goodies! Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 4042 L$ Points: 324,264 and 353,200 to rank up! Cashed out: 20100 L$ Members: 69 | |
10 | Kingdom of Shark Isle Reign of XxNIBBYxX Resident Access to private fishing buoys and club house for Shark Isle cyber kingdom members only. As well as custom flags and gestures. All funds earned will go into running buoys, private events and +10 royal points. Language: EN, all Tax: 1% Treasury: 8083 L$ Points: 295,469 and 28,795 to rank up! Cashed out: 2500 L$ Members: 34 | |
11 | Kingdom of DGAF Kinkdom Reign of Elina Tigerauge If you need something, all you have to do is ask. There is absolutely no group (just IMs & an optional Discord) nor politics and never will be. This is a chill kingdom for everyone. You can all earn +10 RPs just by being yourselves. We take care of our own. I do not keep this tax, it all goes back into LGH/YOU Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 769 L$ Points: 240,433 and 55,036 to rank up! Cashed out: 33663 L$ Members: 48 | |
12 | Kingdom of Bora Charmed Reign of Paige Cybertar x2 fishing earnings every day and potions available. Language: EN, FR Tax: 1% Treasury: 846 L$ Points: 132,644 and 107,789 to rank up! Cashed out: 0 L$ Members: 18 | |
13 | Kingdom of Farming and Ranching Collective (FRC) Reign of smirkingdevil Resident Everyone is invited to join, even non-farmers and non-ranchers. Benefits include promotion of farming and ranching concerns throughout Cyber Kingdoms, as well as general exchange of information to those looking to farm or ranch. Taxes will be used to craft recipes and the items will be sold to members at a discount. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 1258 L$ Points: 95,996 and 36,648 to rank up! Cashed out: 0 L$ Members: 5 | |
14 | Kingdom of Fearless Fishers Reign of Frank1056 Resident +10 Royal Points, a flag for your rod, all taxes will be put back into LGH. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 1522 L$ Points: 40,930 and 55,066 to rank up! Cashed out: 0 L$ Members: 6 | |
15 | Kingdom of Tir na nOg Reign of PuckishPunk Resident Kingdom Benefits: Standard +10 RP for Royal Fishing contests, no activity requirements, no politicking. If members are also part of Society, each week the King will select 1 kingdom member that has shown activity/growth and donate his weekly 5,000 Society votes to them. (If more than 1 member has shown activity/growth, he will select from among them at random.) We have a blue bouy at Bandito Park that members may utilize and/or donate to if they wish. Language: EN Tax: 1% Treasury: 90 L$ Points: 8,167 and 32,763 to rank up! Cashed out: 0 L$ Members: 4 | |
16 | Kingdom of MasterBaiters Reign of YumiPepper Resident All Treasury will be spent for members only fishing events. Gifts & Gestures will be provided. As we grow benefits will change due to demands of our kingdom. We are an adult only kingdom so please before joining please make sure to be in adult avatars when on clan lands and during adult events. We welcome Human & furry peeps. Language: English & German Tax: 1% Treasury: 166 L$ Points: 4,269 and 3,898 to rank up! Cashed out: 0 L$ Members: 8 | |
17 | Kingdom of Fishing Madness League Reign of pedroesloco Resident You will be treated well here and respected and your freedom. Do what you love to do and your passion to do so! Have fun and bring friends or partner! All earnings will contribute for the buoy! In future members will have free renting for farms and selling fishing resources! We will start small and grow little by little. Language: All, But English, Spanish Preferred Tax: 3% Treasury: 673 L$ Points: 2,681 and 1,588 to rank up! Cashed out: 3000 L$ Members: 6 |