Casting Shadows
Land rank 24: Earn Linden Dollars Games - Fish for L$ - Gold Hunt - Snuffles
Land rank 26: Lorena Chung's Fishing Place
Land rank 26: Lorena Chung's Fishing Place
Land Rank #25
301,718 votes
2,260 more votes to overtake Earn Linden Dollars Games - Fish for L$ - Gold Hunt - Snuffles Voting Station Votes also produce Land Points which can be gained in 2 ways:
- Players voting through their player HUD or through VOTE STATION
- When a player catches a fish your land gets votes/land points (More land points per fish caught are given under multiplier event).
Note that land can loose more then just 1 LAND POINT if a player votes THUMB DOWN through his HUD so always make sure you also have lover coins placed on your land aswell as they respawn more quickly.
Parcel Description
Pryeri, Heterocera - Superior Exploration Continent !!!
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